Our Vision


We recognise that we are a work in progress. However, by the grace of God we have been called out to be His people. Therefore through serving each other and our community, we seek to become more like Jesus by living, loving and leading as he did.

We want to be increasingly

... committed to growing in God honouring worship, in true fellowship and in deeds of compassion.

... committed to worship that practices the presence and power of God within the church to the transformation of the surrounding culture.

... committed to teaching and making disciples of men and women through the whole counsel of God's Word and by ministering to the needs of the whole person.

... committed to the freedom of every member to minister through spiritual gifts and to do so under the spiritual authority, responsibility and loving discipline of the elders.

... committed to dynamic, prophetic confrontation on non-Christian thought forms and behavior  demonstrating truth through holiness and love.

Thus, we are...

... committed to minister to the needy through evangelism and in deeds of mercy and service.

... committed to the winning of new converts and to their incorporation into the church through the ministry of the Word.

... committed to the glorifying of God and enjoying Him forever!