Crossreach Update April 2019
Our Easter run saw 52 bags full to the brim with the our usual staple food items, topped off with fruit, candy, toys and even a basic dental kit in each.
Michelle Forbes, suffering from severe diabetes having lost both legs, was extremely grateful for the help we were able to give her, fixing her stove, paying her arrears of power. Since then, our snowbird contingent has stopped by several times with packages of fruit, bread and sugar free candy.
Michelle and oldest son, Jesse
Now we hear that her water supply is about to be disconnected. We will keep you updated.
Summer Coming, and with it, the rainy season, we have been asked if it would be possible to include mosquito coils and bug sprays & perhaps triple S in future bags. Please add them to the items you drop off in the Crossreach bin on Sunday mornings.
Hurricane Season: also looming on the horizon. We have depleted last year’s stocks of hurricane supplies by filling the monthly bags over the last few runs. Now, we need to start planning to restock the warehouse with emergency supplies of canned goods, water, tarps, etc. in readiness for the upcoming season beginning June 1st.
Crossreach Bin
Don’t forget the Crossreach bin, directly outside the sanctuary’s main entrance….
Next Run Dates:
Saturday, 18th May
Saturday, 22nd June
Saturday, 20th July
With the departure of our loyal and dedicated snowbirds, we really do need more help and participation from our year-round residents.
“…..I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine,
you did for me.” (Matthew ch.25 v.40)