Lucaya Presbyterian Church

Response to the Corona virus

and Attending Church

As the world begins to slowly reopen, there are a few things we need to be aware of. While the church will be open for worship on Sundays, most other activities are still cancelled until further notice. Doctors recommend not gathering in large groups, so we will honor that recommendation.

Even our gathering on Sunday will look a bit different. We are asking that everyone wear a mask while on church property, especially in the sanctuary. We are limiting seating to every other row to help with social distancing. We have hand sanitizer available and we ask that everyone use it. And we are not having our usual coffee and fellowship time following the service.

In the meantime, just because we cannot gather together does not mean we cease to be the church. We are still a community. We are still a family. And we can still worship together and remain connected. Ours is a great God who is everywhere, from the deepest ocean to the highest mountain. With that in mind, we plan to continue our worship together via facebook for those who are uncomfortable returning to worship as a group. We will broadcast the service live at 10:00 a.m. EST on our church facebook page which you can access here.

We will pray together, hear God’s Word together, maybe even sing together. We continue to pray that each one of you remains safe and well, and we hope you will join us this Sunday at our new earlier time, 10:00 a.m. to worship our awesome and amazing God as one people in his name.

Our Mission:

Reach. Engage. Grow.


Lucaya Presbyterian Church is located on Grand Bahama island in the northern Bahamas, just 60 miles off the east coast of Florida.

With our history of more than 50 years of serving God in Grand Bahama, Lucaya Presbyterian Church has had a significant impact on the spiritual life of the Bahamas. Our congregation has a diverse cultural and ethnic background, adding to the rich heritage of our community.

With a solid reformed theology as our foundation, practical Biblical teaching and a blended worship format, our Sunday morning worship gatherings serve the spiritual needs of our local families, seasonal residents and visitors alike. Lucaya Presbyterian Church is a part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church denomination, or the EPC.

We invite you to join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. for worship.

If you are visiting Grand Bahama and require transportation to our service, please contact us via e-mail at for assistance.

About The Bahamas


Our Programmes

Our ministries are designed to serve the diverse spiritual, physical, emotional and relational needs of our church community. We welcome all and we are committed to using our spiritual gifts through outreach, discipleship, growth and the maturity of our faith.



At Lucaya Presbyterian Church, we have a vital and energetic youth program. We meet on Friday afternoons each week, as well as other fun outings to the beach and roller skating. We also involve our young people in service to others, so they can build the concept of caring as part of their own character development. This programme is for students in junior and senior high school, and many of the kids that attend do not have a local church home.


To us, outreach means two things; first, it means caring for the less fortunate in our community. One of the primary ways we do this is through our Crossreach ministry. Crossreach spends around $1,500 each month providing food for over 50 families across the island. These funds are raised through congregational donations and from donations from others in our community.

Outreach also means seeking opportunities to share the love of Christ with those who do not know him. We do this through our Impact ministry to local youth, and through VBS, which engages over 60 children each year, consisting not only of our own children, but children of local families, many of whom do not have a church home, and even participants from Grand Bahama Children’s Home, who come as our guests each year.


Our people are involved on our local community and serve on boards of Grand Bahama Children’s Home, the Salvation Army, and the Humane Society of Grand Bahama. We also serve our community through our Crossreach ministry which seeks to provide food and assistance to some of the most needy on our island. You can always find Presbyterians involved in the organisation and execution of community events like the Conchman Triathlon, the Dog Days Fun Run, Junkanoo, and other significant community events.

We also work on developing our own community. We always have coffee and refreshments after church in the breezeway as an opportunity to visit and catch up with friends. We also have events like family movie nights, and pot-luck dinners at Christmas and other times. We have fun events for kids like our Annual Easter egg hunt, and VBS, which is attended by many families outside our own church community.


One of the last things Jesus said to his own disciples before he left this earth was that they were to, “Go into all the world and make disciples,” (Matthew 28:19). Known for centuries as the Great Commission, we take this command very seriously. We have Sunday school and Vacation Bible School to teach our children about Jesus, we have Impact for our junior and senior high youth, and we have three Bible study opportunities for our adult members and friends. Our worship service on Sunday mornings is focused around the Word of God proclaimed and applied to our own life situations.



Our Crossreach ministry reaches out to as many needy people as possible in an effort to make their lives a little easier and to let them know that we care.

Learn More


Get Involved

One of the best things about being a part of our church community is the opportunity to serve. Whether you are just starting your spiritual journey, or you are a long-time servant of our Saviour, we have a place for you.



We have a place for you and your kids, no matter what age. You can plug in as a teacher or nursery attendant, bring snacks for the youth programme, or just bring yourself!


We try to make everyone welcome at our services each Sunday. You can be a greeter, share a smile, or give a warm welcome hug. Join us and see how you can share your gifts.


We serve the needy in our community through our Crossreach ministry, and we can always use a hand. Help us deliver meals, fill bags with nutritious food, and show our community that you care.


Changing Our World

At Lucaya Presbyterian Church, we take Christ's command to care for our brothers and sisters very seriously. We deliver food to needy families through our Crossreach ministry, we participate in hunger programs like World Vision, and Samaritan's Purse. We are also in a unique position to help those who have been displaced by natural disaster. Obviously, hurricanes are a regular occurrence here in the Bahamas, and we have helped many families with tarps, blankets, food and water during the recovery period after a storm. With the limited resources available to so many families here, it takes years to recover from a major hurricane. We also partner with friends, families, and other churches abroad to aid local families in recovery.



Over the years, we estimate that we have prepared and delivered over 100,000 meals to local families in need. That is enough food to feed every person on the island several times over!




LPC was first established in 1968 as an extension of St Andrews Presbyterian Kirk in Nassau, a Church of Scotland Congregation. Since that time the people of Grand Bahama have come together to serve Christ and one another. We are very proud of our history and our heritage.




LPC exists to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and to live our lives in his light. Not only do we reach the poor and needy in our own community, but we have thousands of visitors to our island paradise every year, and many of those attend our church when they are here. We hope and pray that as they return to their own communities, that they have been touched by the love of Christ and share his love wherever they go.


Contact Us

Lucaya Presbyterian Church
West Beach Road
between East Sunrise Hwy and Midshipman Rd
P.O. Box F-40777
Freeport, Grand Bahama Island

Tel. (242) 727-2568

Use the form below to contact us by e-mail.